
Cartes d'affaires M0851


Branding, Print

Détail étiquettes vente M0851
Sac M0851
Détails papeterie M0851
Enveloppes M0851
Carte d'affaire M0851
Emballage M0851
Catalogue M0851
Sac d'achat M0851
Famille papeterie M0851
Présentation Étiquettes M0851
Affiche spéciale M0851

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, m0851 reassessed several aspects of its visual identity, namely the clothing labels, the stationery, and various in-store packaging elements. Known for its quality leather and elegant products, the clothing brand also wanted to reposition its image.

The brand signs some of its key products by debossing its logo. For its 30th anniversary, we used this method to underline the event on all elements of communication. Consistent with the tone of the brand, this method also afforded greater durability, since it was possible, once the anniversary had passed, to remove the intervention while preserving the work done for brand repositioning.

In recent years, m0851 has developed a wide and subtle colour palette for its leathers. Our proposal was therefore to neutralize the packaging in order to highlight product colours. Branding thus became more subdued, its thickness and firmness expressing a materiality in line with the nature of the products. Some pieces of stationery, such as the envelopes, reproduce the colour schemes from the clothing in the collection.


Creative Direction: Bryan-K. Lamonde

Design: Bryan-K. Lamonde, Dominic Baron-Chartrand

Account Direction: Mathieu Cournoyer


Neue Haas Unica