C Magazine


C Magazine
Art, Publishing

Ordinateur portable avec détails du site web C Magazine
iPhone avec une page du site web de C Magazine
Site web C Magazine sur iPad
Ordinateur portable avec détails du site web C Magazine
Capture d'écran du site web C Magazine

Founded in 1984, the magazine was ready for a shift to digital to showcase its rich content and make it accessible to a wider audience.

Principal received the mandate to develop the strategy, content architecture, design and programming of their new online platform. Following the graphic language established by Raf Rennie in the redesign of the 2019 print magazine, the challenge was to keep the essence of the brand by addressing the constraints and limitations of the web while taking advantage of the opportunities that digital mediums offer in a periodical context.

With this in mind, great care was put into typography, layout and the relationship between images and text content, this brought more flexibility than the old platform. The platform offers a comfortable way to explore and consult the site’s content in different ways. The site offers the possibility of browsing by theme, by type of publication, by date and by issue. Searching the platform and the magazine's archives allows for better accessibility to past articles and allows users to access content more easily. For the site’s media to succeed in its digital transformation, content has to be monetizable without distorting the brand. It also has to offer a simple and complete experience that meets user expectations, all while supporting and facilitating internal operations.

On the new C Magazine platform, users with an account can now access exclusive content, view digital copies of all issues published since 1984 and maintain a reading list. The C Magazine team is now able to efficiently control access to its content with the implementation of a paywall and subscription options. In addition, they now have much more flexible editing tools at their disposal, allowing them to highlight content on the website with the same rigour as printed content.


Creative Direction: Bruno Cloutier

Art Direction: Julien Hébert

Web Design: Nick Losacco, Julien Hébert

Development: Jules Renaud, Damien Espana

Project Management: Justine Crépeau-Viau

Technology Direction: François Morin

Account Direction: François Morin

Logo & Paper Magazine Design: Raf Rennie


Dutch801 by Bitstream

Monument Grotesk by Dinamo

Awards & Mentions

IDÉA 2023, Gold

ADCC 2023, Bronze
